Punch Double Coronas | The Iconic Cuban Cigar
The Punch Double Corona is one of the most celebrated Cuban cigars for enthusiasts who crave a full-bodied, well-balanced smoke. Hand-rolled in Cuba, this double corona cigar offers a rich heritage that dates back to the 1800s when the Punch brand was established. Known for its strength, complexity, and sophisticated flavor profile, the Punch Double Coronas deliver a luxurious smoking experience ideal for special occasions or seasoned cigar aficionados.
Rich History of Punch Cigars
The Punch brand has been a staple of the Cuban cigar industry since its inception in 1840. With a reputation for strong, bold flavors, Punch has carved a unique identity in the world of premium cigars. The Double Corona, a large cigar with a 49 ring gauge and 7.6-inch length, is a testament to the brand’s commitment to quality craftsmanship and tradition.
Flavor Profile
The Punch Double Coronas boasts a powerful flavor profile that combines earthy and woody notes, with hints of leather, coffee, and a subtle touch of spice. The complexity of this cigar comes alive throughout the smoking experience, providing a balanced and long finish. With medium to full strength, it appeals to smokers who appreciate a bold, intense experience with a smooth draw.
Key tasting notes include:
- Earthy base with rich undertones of leather and cedar
- A light spiciness that evolves in the middle third
- Coffee, chocolate, and subtle nutty flavors on the finish
Construction and Burn Quality
Constructed with high-quality Cuban tobacco, the Punch Double Coronas are made with meticulous attention to detail. Each cigar is expertly hand-rolled to ensure an even burn, delivering a smooth draw from start to finish. The large size ensures a long-lasting smoke, making it perfect for those who enjoy spending time savoring every puff.