Davidoff Grand Cru Diademas Finas Limited Edition: A Luxurious Cigar Experience
For cigar enthusiasts who appreciate exclusivity and craftsmanship, the Davidoff Grand Cru Diademas Finas Limited Edition stands as a pinnacle of luxury. Released as part of Davidoff’s legendary limited-edition series, this cigar brings together exceptional tobacco quality,
The Diademas Finas, previously not part of the Grand Cru range, boasts filler tobacco aged in a red wine barrel. This masterpiece’s blend and “figurado” format perfectly capture the rich flavor of an excellent red wine. Buy Davidoff Grand Cru Diademas Finas_Limited Edition
This cigar appeals to both cigar enthusiasts and wine connoisseurs. In 1946, Zino Davidoff envisioned a line of cigars that would pay homage to the world of wine. Just as a red wine blend combines three different grapes, these cigars feature a blend of three different fillers, drawing inspiration from the relationship between wine and tobacco.
Its filler tobacco has been aged in a Premier Grand Cru Classé red wine cask, incorporating the fruity character of a well-aged red wine into its prominent aromas. This combination creates an exquisite experience, like swirling wine in a glass.
Limited to 15.500 boxes worldwide.
Browse more of our Davidoff cigars:
- Davidoff Grand_Cru Diademas Finas Limited Edition
- Davidoff Yamasa Piramides
- Davidoff Winston Churchill Original Series Robusto
Origin: | Dominican |
Manufactured: | Hand made |
Flavour: | Light to medium |
Length: | 172mm |
Vitola de galera: | Diademas Finas |
Ring: | 50 |
Finley Gray (verified owner) –
The Partagás Serie D No. 4 cigars I recently purchased from Royal Liquor and Cigarettes were truly exceptional. From the moment I lit one up, I was greeted by rich, complex flavors of earth, leather, and a hint of spice. The construction was flawless, providing a smooth, even burn and a satisfying smoking experience from start to finish.
Sage Hall (verified owner) –
Royal Liquor and Cigarettes is my go-to for all my wine and cigar needs. Their website is easy to navigate, their selection is vast, and their customer service is top-notch. Whether I’m looking for a rare and exotic wine or a tried-and-true cigar, I know I can always find exactly what I need on their website.
Avery Green (verified owner) –
I recently ordered a bottle of the Louis Roederer Cristal Champagne from Royal Liquor and Cigarettes, and it was absolutely phenomenal. From the moment I took my first sip, I was greeted by layers of complexity and elegance. With its vibrant acidity, creamy texture, and lingering finish, it’s truly a champagne lover’s dream.
Emerson Kelly (verified owner) –
Royal Liquor and Cigarettes is my go-to for all my wine and cigar needs. Their website is easy to navigate, their selection is vast, and their customer service is top-notch. Whether I’m looking for a rare and exotic wine or a tried-and-true cigar, I know I can always find exactly what I need on their website.