Davidoff Nicaragua Short Corona Cigar
The Davidoff Nicaragua Short Corona is a compact yet powerful cigar, offering the bold, rich flavours of Nicaraguan tobacco in a shorter format. Measuring 95 mm in length with a 46-ring gauge, this Short Corona delivers an intense and full-bodied smoking experience, perfect for those who seek a quick yet satisfying smoke without compromising on complexity.
Crafted with 100% Nicaraguan tobacco, this cigar features aged Nicaraguan filler, a Nicaraguan binder, and a Nicaraguan Habano wrapper. The result is a rich profile dominated by notes of pepper, leather, and roasted coffee, complemented by subtle hints of dark chocolate and spice. Despite its smaller size, the Nicaragua Short Corona offers a dynamic and evolving flavour experience, characteristic of the finest Nicaraguan cigars.
Whether enjoyed during a brief moment of indulgence or paired with a fine spirit, the Davidoff_Nicaragua Short Corona provides a flawless draw and even burn, making it an excellent choice for aficionados who appreciate full-bodied cigars with depth and intensity.
Davidoff Nicaragua Short Corona: A Refined Cigar Experience
The Davidoff_Nicaragua Short Corona is a luxurious offering for cigar enthusiasts seeking bold and balanced flavors in a shorter smoke. With its rich Nicaraguan tobacco, this small-format cigar packs a punch, making it ideal for moments when time is limited, but quality is a must.
Finley Gray (verified owner) –
I recently had the pleasure of trying the H. Upmann Sir Winston cigars from Royal Liquor and Cigarettes, and they were truly exceptional. From the moment I lit one up, I was greeted by rich, complex flavors of cedar, leather, and a hint of sweetness. The construction was flawless, providing a smooth, even burn and a satisfying smoking experience from start to finish.
Cameron Collins (verified owner) –
I recently had the pleasure of trying the Cohiba Behike 56 cigars from Royal Liquor and Cigarettes, and they were truly exceptional. From the moment I lit one up, I was greeted by rich, complex flavors of cedar, leather, and a hint of sweetness. The construction was flawless, providing a smooth, even burn and a satisfying smoking experience from start to finish.
Rowan Murphy (verified owner) –
Royal Liquor and Cigarettes is my go-to for all my wine and cigar needs. Their website is easy to navigate, their selection is vast, and their customer service is top-notch. Whether I’m looking for a rare and exotic wine or a tried-and-true cigar, I know I can always count on them to deliver. Highly recommend.
Finley Gray (verified owner) –
Royal Liquor and Cigarettes is my go-to for all my wine and cigar needs. Their website is easy to navigate, their selection is vast, and their customer service is top-notch. Whether I’m looking for a rare and exotic wine or a tried-and-true cigar, I know I can always count on them to deliver. Highly recommend.