The Davidoff Signature 1000 Cigar is one of the smallest formats Davidoff produce, allowing aficionados who are short on time to enjoy the flavours of the White Label in just 15 minutes.
The tobacco used to craft each Signature series stick comes from Ecuador and the Dominican Republic. The marriage creates a light-strength cigar with notes of cream, coffee, and wood. This petit panatella version – at just 34 ring gauge by 4 5/8 inches – is ideal for a quick breakfast smoke with a cappuccino, or perhaps with an elegant champagne before lunch .
This cigar is an ideal introduction to the Davidoff White Label collection and its gentle, delicious flavours.
Browse more of our Davidoff cigars:
Origin: | Dominican/Ecuadorian |
Manufactured: | Hand made |
Flavour: | Mild |
Length: | 117mm |
Vitola de galera: | Petit Panatella |
Ring: | 34 |
The Davidoff brand has long been synonymous with sophistication and quality, and the Davidoff Signature 1000 is no exception. This cigar, part of the Signature Series, is known for its smooth, mild flavor and perfectly balanced blend of tobacco, making it an ideal smoke for both seasoned aficionados and beginners. Whether you’re looking to enjoy a luxurious smoking experience or trying a premium cigar for the first time, the Davidoff Signature 1000 should be at the top of your list.
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